Sunday, March 05, 2006

She drives real fast and she drives real hard

In working for the farm, I often do a lot of driving. I would have to say that this is by far the most stressful and frustrating part of my job. The roadways in Bakersfield are downright dangerous. The combination of poor urban planning, explosive population growth, the popularity of SUVs and inconsistently enforced traffic laws has led to what I believe is one of the most dangerous areas to drive in the country. I am seriously scared to be on the road much of the time!
I could go on and on about how stupid people are and how hypocritical our traffic laws have become, but I won't (ok, maybe I will later). Instead here is what I think is a great idea: go to and click on "A Meditation on the Speed Limit". Big props to these guys/girls. This is the kind of out-of-the-box thinking that our country needs from the younger generations. I don't know how happy their parents are about them risking their lives though.


edluv said...

that's a nice film. i wonder what it would look like to do that in l.a., going 65.

Scott and Malisa Johnson said...

Scott just showed my that video earlier today. I totally feel your pain about Bakersfield traffic. My mom drives down Rosedale Hwy (58) to and from work all the way from Nord till the Baker off-ramp. It scares me that she may easily get hit.

Be safe!