Saturday, June 30, 2007

US Border Fence Accidentally Built in Mexico

Oops. A US border fence was accidentally built on Mexican Soil. On the one hand, its never good to illegally enter another country and set up what is technically part of a military installation. Mexico has every right to ask them to remove it and seek some sort of damages for the intrusion. On the other hand, this is out in the middle of nowhere. It seems like the respective governments own most of that property and aren't using it for anything other than a border. What real difference would it make to move the fence 6 feet in one direction or another. I think the best solution would be for the US government to apologize and offer to lease the land from the often cash-strapped Mexican government for the going rate in the area. It seems like most of the land in the area is semi-arid farmland. Guessing how much farmland leases for in that area, I would say that leasing the land for maybe even 40 or 50 years would be cheaper than moving the fence. After that time both governments could reassess their positions, so to speak. Plus, Mexico would get some money out of the deal. But, of course, governments don't always do the logical thing. I'm sure this will take a long time to resolve and end up costing the United States taxpayers lots of money.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Slow day on the beat, Officer?

Think people are mean? Think the government is unfair? Just be thankful you don't live in Toronto...

News Anchor Freaks Out

I've watched this several times and I can't figure out if this is staged or real? I'm all for standing up for what you believe in, but aren't there bigger issues to take a stand against. Also, didn't she make the story even bigger than if she had just read the copy as quickly as she could and moved on to the next story. If it is real, I at least have to give her some credit for realizing that there are more important things to report on than PH and having the balls to do something like that. Fight the Power!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Hope for the Future

It looks like some of the best and brightest high school students had a message for the President yesterday.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Survival of the fittest

Ok, so there's this show that I'm totally obsessed with-- Man vs. Wild.
This guy is totally my hero. Anyway, the other day my wife asked me what I would do with my life if I could do anything i wanted. I didn't have an answer, but I just realized that I would probably do what this guy does. Except I don't think I could. Well it turns out I can do one thing he does...we both blog on blogspot.