Wednesday, June 27, 2007

News Anchor Freaks Out

I've watched this several times and I can't figure out if this is staged or real? I'm all for standing up for what you believe in, but aren't there bigger issues to take a stand against. Also, didn't she make the story even bigger than if she had just read the copy as quickly as she could and moved on to the next story. If it is real, I at least have to give her some credit for realizing that there are more important things to report on than PH and having the balls to do something like that. Fight the Power!


Adam said...

Wow, I hope that was legit because that's awesome!

edluv said...

i saw that video, too. i thought about putting it up, but then, it made me think about the issue in the light of 'am i talking about it by talking about how i'm not talking about it'

because, as much as i enjoy that the reporter refused to read the story, she adds to it because it's getting linked and talked about. nasty cycle.