Sunday, June 24, 2007

Survival of the fittest

Ok, so there's this show that I'm totally obsessed with-- Man vs. Wild.
This guy is totally my hero. Anyway, the other day my wife asked me what I would do with my life if I could do anything i wanted. I didn't have an answer, but I just realized that I would probably do what this guy does. Except I don't think I could. Well it turns out I can do one thing he does...we both blog on blogspot.


edluv said...

yeah, i'm becoming obsessed with that show. i've caught several stretches where i'll watch 3 or 4 episodes in a row. so sweet.

and the stuff he runs into. a freakin grizzly in the rockies that came through his camp at night, and a shark while he's on his homemade raft! and nevermind the volcano. positively nuts.

heather and i were cracking up about his union jack boxers. i also love it how he "reluctantly" does stuff, like throwing himself in freezing water to demonstrate how to get out. nuts.

edluv said...

and it looks like he blogs about as frequently as you...8 blog posts in 2007.

dana said...

At least he has a good excuse. Traveling the world, surviving extreme conditions, setting world record everest flights. Makes my excuse of driving tractor 16 hours a day look very pathetic.

Adam said...

I too enjoy the few episodes I've seen.