Monday, October 16, 2006

Went to the 49er game this weekend. Had fun. Here's a pic.

I want to make it clear that we aren't one of those people who walk all the way up front to take a picture and look like we have good seats. these are actually our seats. I feel there should be a rule that you must take a picture of yourself from where you actually sat at the ballgame. It helps to convey your actual game experience more accurately.


Adam said...

In other words, you had a great view of the 49ers getting pummeled.

Jimmie said...

Not sure if I would brag about the great seats for a Niners game. It might be a while (if ever) before they return to glory. I guess you could take some condelence in the fact that the Niners are the best football team in the Bay Area. (At least professionally, I think Cal would probably beat them.)

By the way, did you have any trouble getting to the game?

edluv said...

nice jersey. way to support the current effort of the team.

(from the guy with the m.faulk jersey, and wishes he had either the l.a. jersey for bettis or bruce.)

Anonymous said...

It was a lot of fun. There was this one guy who was sitting in front of us that kept trying to get high fives out of me. It was kinda scary. It was S.F. though... he most likely thought I had a pretty mouth or something.... sorry can't say much else need to go vomit...