Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Who is Ron Paul?

I think I may have found the candidate I will be voting for in the next presidential primary... seriously. I'm not one for soapboxing, but I think everyone should at least check out his website and think about some of the issues involved. I certainly don't agree with all of his positions, nor do I think he will win the next election, but I hope that supporting him will help open some eyes about how needlessly huge the federal government is and how much money and liberty it is costing all of us. RonPaul2008


Adam said...

I appreciate his stance on the war and on some fiscal matters, but his pro-life (or anti-choice) stance leaves something to be desired. Actually it leaves a lot to be desired and the fact that he's an ob/gyn with very, very strong position on the issue is troubling to me.

His position, while politically consistent, is personally inconsistent. The fact that he would wage a battle against federal protection and funding for abortion, yet leave the final decision to states worries me. A lot. I don't see someone this ardent, this resolute, stopping at removing federal protection.

I'd be curious to hear his arguments on separation of church and state and then ask him what the basis for his pro-life position is. I don't doubt it's in some way religiously based.

Sorry, just rambling now.

dana said...

I agree with you adam. Of course, the president really has little direct power to do anything about abortion, only some indirect influence (i.e. appointing judges). In fact, so many of the hot-button issues discussed during presidential elections have very little presidential oversight. It seems kind of odd to me.

Adam said...

It's true that the President has little direct influence, but he does build the administration and appoint a lot of people. People who control funding, people who work with lobbyists, etc.

I agree that abortion is by itself not an issue with much Presidential oversight, but I think it's a key part of a larger issue and personal social philosophy that a lot of people hold. The way someone views abortion rights or even contraception is an indicator of their larger ideology.