Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!

As promised, here is a picture of our little child D'Wayne. Sure enough, as soon as I began posting, Julie's sixth sense kicked in and she ran into the room to look over my shoulder. How does she do that?! I feel so sorry for our kids if/when we have them. She will be one of those moms who always knows when the kid is doing something wrong no matter how sneaky the kid is. I honestly believe that she should have followed her childhood dream and become a spy.
On a totally unrelated note, this is the time of the year I usually spend avoiding all forms of media. Does anyone else hate all of those "Best ____ of '05" and "What will/should happen in '06" shows/articles? I am also not a fan of the New Year's resolution. I am the type of person who is constantly evaluating my life and trying to decide what I should change. I'm not saying I am superior to those who make yearly resolutions. In fact, being as introspective and analytical as I am can be down right depressing and counterproductive. All I am saying is that I can't really identify with the resolution thing, and I always get trapped by the inevitable casual conversation "What is your resolution this year?" I can never think of a good answer. On the other hand, I love learning new things, having new experiences and being exposed to things I didn't know existed. So, for me, every New Year brings the excitement of new experiences. This is where YOU come in! That's right, YOU!!!!! I'm going to post some things that I really think you should check out, if you haven't already, and I hope that some of you will let me know some things that I could discover in '06. So here we go:
1. Freakonomics by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner
2. The Average American by Kevin O'Keefe
3. The Dogs of Bedlam Farm by Jon Katz
As far as music, tv and movies go, I try to throw out a suggestion with each of my posts so you can connect with what I'm listening to or watching if you want. For today, I'm listening to Jack Johnson's cover of Badfish / Boss DJ and Mid November by Johnathan Rice right now. I am looking forward to hearing suggestions from any or all of you about what I should read, listen to, see or do in this next year. HAPPY NEW YEAR!


Adam said...

So you might say that every year, your resolution is to not have an explicit resolution?

dana said...

actually, to me, a new years resolution implies a change in lifestyle, and since I never have had a resolution, I don't think my situation qualifies as a new years resolution. I do see where you are coming from, though.

timidvenus said...

book for dana:
the divine proportion: a study in mathematical beauty *good, for a math book. i have a copy if you want it. read it in high school and was impressed. was taken with the fibonacci series as a young kid and this book talks about it and some other cool number stuff*
movie for dana:
somethings gotta give *first one that popped into my head, but funny even if youre under 60*
music for dana:
bobby brown - dance...ya know it! *dont ask*

on another note, i have been thinking about getting toned and bendy, so i figured i would start yoga. i thought about it first in october or thereabouts and figured that i would come into some money around dec 25th and would wait until then to join a yoga place. well, today i went by the place i chose and the gal asks me if it is a resolution. i said no, and thought how funny it was for her to ask, but i guess its pretty normal now that i think about it. my first class is tomorrow at 530, downtown if you and julie want to come along.

edluv said...

dana, i noticed you use crest toothpaste. i also noticed that you utilize a squeeze and roll from the bottom technique. good stuff. was this something that both you and julie already did, or did one of you have to adjust?

Adam said...

Oh, right, suggestions.

Book: A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson.

It's a long read, but an interesting one. Hard to put down. Think: abridged and humorous history of science. Some of the dirty little secrets you've never known.

Movie: Just picked up Spartan the other day. I liked it quite a bit. Political/action/thriller sort of thing. It's Val Kilmer though, so if you're one of those people that doesn't like him, I guess you'd not like the movie.

Music: Um...I'd recommend System of a Down, but I don't think that is within your taste for music, so I'll offer up something a little more light. Bloc Party is a fairly new group out of Britain, you've probably heard them, but if not, I highly recommend them. Sort of surfer rock but not quite. Good stuff either way.

Anonymous said...

Nice observation, Ed. I am a squeeze from the bottom but without the roll type of guy myself. But Christina is a squeeze from wherever person so I am constantly trying to push all the toothpaste to the top of the tube. We are thinking of going to marriage counseling to rectify the situation.

Book recommendation: The Numbers Game by Alan Schwarz. This is a great history of statistics in baseball that is nowhere near as boring as it sounds.

dana said...

actually, ed, that is an old picture and, from the picture, I would assume that Julie uses the roll from the end technique. I honestly don't know from experience what she does with her toothpaste. She and I keep our bathroom lives very separate and do not share toiletries unless a dire need arises. (I used one of her tampons to stop the bleeding when I lost a tooth once) jk. For the record, I just mash the toothpaste haphazardly out of the tube, usually making a mess in the process.

Anonymous said...

Music Dana should listen to: Lisa Loeb.