Thursday, February 09, 2006

I can't get no respect!

Here are some movies that I feel don't get the credit they deserve:
-The Truman Show
Just a great, great movie. I don't know what else to say but that. Everything about it is top class (screenplay, cinematography, acting, etc). I think some people don't give it the respect it deserves because Jim Carrey is in the lead role, but I think it deserves a second look.

What happened to this movie. One day, it was the greatest epic made in this generation. The next, no one even remembers it. One day, Russel Crowe was winning the Oscar for it. The next day, people don't even mention it when they list the movies he's in. Sure, he's done some other good ones, but when people mention Master and Commander instead of Gladiator that is a problem for me. I could pull this movie out on any day of the week, and have a great time watching it. Which is a lot to say for me. I am a moody guy, and usually I need to really get in the mood to rewatch a film I own.

-Mr Smith Goes to Washington
People who have never heard of this movie should go out and rent it right now! Even if you don't like it. It is short, and Capra is at his prophetic best. I will just tell you that I understand this film has some shortcomings, but it is one of my favorite pre WWII films. This film is also a must watch for anyone who want to talk politics or anyone who wants to act like an "intellectual snob" (i use this term to refer to people who are snobby about what they know. I know this one applies to many of my readers. Especially Ed, no offense. I'm not implying in this term that all intellectuals are snobby. I actually find the uneducated to be more agressively exclusivist than the intelligencia as a whole).

-Punchdrunk Love
Many of the people with whom I saw this film did not like it at all. I am fine with that, but I disagree. I felt that the film accurately portrayed that life of some very psychologically troubled people with whom I could on some level identify. I warn all readers that this movie is no happy-go -lucky film. It has some very difficult scenes in which the viewers is meant to feel uncomfortable, because that is how the characters are feeling. In the end, though, there is a sense that there is hope for redemption, even if it comes in a very flawed and imperfect form.

What happened to this movie? Everyone was talking about how crazy and amazing it was, and then they all got over it. This is one movie that I don't own that I wish I did. It also was what really gave Christopher Nolan some serious Hollywood clout. As a side note, I had always been curious about the short-term memory loss thing, and I recently found out that it can really work just like it does on this movie.

-50 First Dates
Speaking of short-term memory loss. This is a great movie to watch with girls who don't like serious movies. You all know the type. My wife is generally one. You know, you want to sit down to a video on friday night, but you don't want to have to explain the plot the whole time or have her get mad at the end because it was too scary, violent or whatever. All I'm saying is, its never failed for me. Just trying to help you guys out.

Well, I have a few more, but this will have to do for now. Maybe if I get a response I can add to my list, or we can just argue about it in the comments.


Anonymous said...

well I just added "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" to my netflix queue. I was actually suprised they had it on DVD (was hoping to be able to cop out). I will hold you personally responsible if it sucks. Nah I'll most likely just call you and make fun of Bakersfield.

Adam said...

Yes, I also am a big fan of The Truman Show. It also has a really great score done by Philip Glass. He also did the music for The Hours. Minimalist piano, non-melodic, really cool stuff. My brother performed several of his pieces for his senior recital.

But yes, Jim Carrey has come a long way since In Living Color and the Ace Ventura flicks. I also recommend The Majestic if you're looking for another one of his more dramatic roles, it deals with communism in the '50's, interesting film.

Otherwise, I like your picks here.

edluv said...

damn right i'm a snob, especially regarding art. and, you've got it clocked pretty right that most of us don't know as much as we pretend to. but we want to hold that grain of knowledge over the simple masses.

Unknown said...

I'm with you on Memento. I love that movie. You know what else is good? Citizen Kane. I have seen that movie probably eight times, and I always find a new reason to like it. I've heard people knock it because it's been AFI #1 forever, but dammit, it's a great movie.

dana said...

I agree that Citizen Cane is great. I only didn't include it because I was making a list of underrated films. That movie gets tons of love (your AFI example, most notably). To say Citizen Cane is underrated would be like saying Jordan was an underrated basketball player. Both were great, if not the greatest, but both also get mad respect.