If you know this girl, call and wish her Happy Birthday! I won't tell you how old she is, but I will tell you that she was born in 1981. Julie, I love you!
Other famous people who share her birthdate (2/7): Charles Dickens, Sinclair Lewis, Chris Rock, NBA guard Steve Nash.
Happy Birthday Julie! How did you celebrate in Oildale? Did you go to Mesa Marin with your barefooted, toothless friends?
ha ha ha ha
question: how did a guy named dana francis doris land such a hot chick???
He's rolling in the farmer/substitute teacher dough. Duh!
did you and dana buy a bay-be for yous berthday?
I got to celebrate by being at a company sales meeting from 7 am to 10 pm. If that's not fun, then I don't know what is!
Thanks for the birthday wishes.
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