Thursday, February 23, 2006

To let it go... and so to find a way

Well, I'm in a really bad mood today. I wouldn't say its for no reason, just for lots of little reasons. I actually have been a little cantankerous and irritable all week, but today it started to come to the surface like a painful blemish. This got me thinking about the different things people do to unwind, decompress, de-stress, etc. Since I have moved to Bakersfield, I have been having trouble developing new habits to get over a hard day. I had more ways than I think I needed in Fresno. My favorite... I would call my good friend Adam and we would go have a pint in a quiet bar somewhere in tower where the world could never find me. But, alas, the Tower District is 2 hours and about 30 bucks in gas away from me right now, and my good friend is most likely carousing with at least two beautiful women right now...
But back to my subject of what people do to unwind. Here are some things that have been working for me lately:
-Play FIFA on my playstation
-Listen to music
On this subject, check out I Love the Rain the Most by Joe Purdy
or for something completely differnt, I have been enjoying Arctic Monkey recently, but I know most won't like this.
-Drink Beer and eat Salty snacks (I never fails... to give you a hangover)
-Watch DVDs of the Simpsons. Watching this show to decompress after a long day has been a tradition for me since college. Unfortunately, the local station stopped playing an hour of Simpsons reruns in the evening. Now I only have my DVDs to console me. Anyone who wants to buy me season 7 I welcome to do so. I might send my wife out to get it right now though!

Things I don't do:
-Drive (if I can avoid it)
-Talk to people who annoy me. This runs the risk of sending me over the edge and unleashing a tirade that even the most annoying person in the world doesn't deserve.
-Discuss sensitive issues with my wife.

Well, I don't really know where I was going with this. I'm sure I'll look back and think about how poorly written this post is, but I won't delete. I couldn't take the backlash that I would get from my readers.


Adam said...

Yeah, gotta watch out for that backlash.

Does it count if I was carousing with one girl and one guy?

And carousing was actually watching TV and drinking?

Anonymous said...

You could always take the new rifle out and put pictures of high-ranking democrats on the silhouettes. I would say you could use people from the current presidential administration but with the patriot act I’m sure they not just reading this but reading my thoughts as well. On the music theme, you should check out Daniel Powter. I know we don’t exactly have similar tastes in music but give him a shot. I’ll burn you the CD if you make it up to Fresburg this weekend.

dana said...

Yeah, i actually thought about talking about my gun. I love my new gun and shoot it regularly. When I'm upset, though, I stay as far away from it as possible. Guns and Upset don't mix.

Craig said...

dana, another way to unwind is to realize that even though you can't do the things you loved to do in fresno, at least you don't live in sonora. Fifa always works for me as well, and season 7 is pretty damn good.

timidvenus said...

my poor dana.

first: i also like daniel powder and could burn you a copy if you dont go to fresburg this weekend.

second: you should take up internet poker. is a decent one (well, i actually dont play on any other ones, so that might not be true) and you can always text me when youre playing and i will join you in a room. you can take all of my play chips (or woodys if he is on then).

third: i know you dont want to drive anywhere, but i have been wanting to check out 'trouts' there in your neck of the woods and will pick you up whenever you want to go. all the old funeral directors in b-town talk about it and how they used to go there after a hard (read: every) day. anyhoo, it might be fun. then again, it might be awful, but its something to cross off the 'been there done that' list.

unless i am one of the anoying people, in which case, just watch the simpsons at home.

Jimmie said...

Dana, the next time you are having a hard day you should just start singing this song. How could you not be cheered up by it?