Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Got Gas?

I got gas yesterday for $2.99 / gallon. I couldn't remember the last time I paid less than $3. It has to have been at least 6 months. What is everyone else paying for gas these days?


Adam said...

I got it for $3.09 in SE Fresno on Friday and then then again for $3.09 in N Oakland on Sunday.

edluv said...

i paid 3.03 this morning, but later saw stations across the street from each other @ 2.97. i won't be excited until it dips back under 2.

i remember getting gas for .99 a gallon. and a candy bar for .50.

Anonymous said...

$3.08 last night. OPEC just doesn't understand. Now I admit that is an improvement but I still drive a gass hog. It's totally worth it. I'm with Ed on the two dollars but I doubt that will ever happen.

Jimmie said...

It was $3.19 in Sonora today. Oh the joys of living in the foothills.

I also paid only $2.79 right outside of Chico yesterday. I have no clue how long it has been since I paid that price at the pump.

Scott and Malisa Johnson said...

Gas here is around 2.84 or so. It hasn't been over $3 a gallon in a long time, though it hasn't been even close to under $2