Sunday, January 14, 2007

Woman Dies From Radio Station Contest

Can this story possibly be true? If it is, this may be the most damage a radio station contest has ever done.


edluv said...

when i was in college, one of my dormmates was playing water poker (betting shots or glasses of water or something) and eventually ended up booting. he threw up so viciously that he popped some blood vessels in one of his eyes.

so, i could see how this could happen, although it doesn't verify the story.

Anonymous said...

No, it's totally possible. It throws off the electrolytes and thins out the fluids in the body to the point that they can't function. I've heard that more injuries occur to marathon runners from over-hydration than de-hydration after races.

auritus said...

No, it's totally possible. It throws off the electrolytes and thins out the fluids in the body to the point that they can't function. I've heard that more injuries occur to marathon runners from over-hydration than de-hydration after races.

edluv said...

so, which one of you two actually said that?

Adam said...

Weeird. I actually said it.