Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The more things change, the more they stay the same

I am sitting here in total silence contemplating how sad it is that Fresno seems much nicer from the inside of a hospital room. Of course, the Fresno Surgery Hospital makes the Ritz look like Motel 6, so thats not too much of a insult. My mom just had total hip replacement surgery, so I'm here and Julie's at home taking care of all the animals... oh, yeah, and working a little too. I keep thinking to myself, wasn't I here a year ago. A little over a year ago I was in Fresno when my brother was hospitalized and my mom's husband left within the same few days. I thought we had finally gotten through everything, and now my mom has a hip replacement and my grandfather has lung cancer.
I have to admit that my thoughts often go back to that day a little over a year ago when I wrote this post. Some good contemplation there on my part, and encouraging to think about. Here is my happy thought that gets me through the day: Kota, my dog. The best dog in the world!


Unknown said...

I'd be scared if I were you. You are next on the list for a major surgery. I do have to agree with you on the "best dog in the world" thing. Don't tell daisy I said that though. She can't know the truth.