Saturday, February 27, 2010

NBC Ruins the Olympics... And Loses Loads of Cash Doing It

I'm so happy the Olympics are almost over.  I love the winter olympics, but NBC's coverage has been almost unwatchable.  First, it is nearly impossible to find the broadcast time an channel of the event you want to watch -- unless you want to watch figure skating. In which case,  there is no hope for you.  Second, it feels like for every twenty broadcast minutes, you see about 4 minutes of actual competition.  I don't have time for that.  If you are going to tape delay something, edit it up nice and tight so I can see see the whole competition in thirty minutes.  If you do that, I will gladly watch all your commercials.  I won't sit through Bob Costas or some lame slice-of-life piece.  And I won't dvr 15 hours a day just to fast forward ninety percent of it.  Hopefully, NBC runs out of cash soon, so ABC/ESPN can get the Olympics some time in the future.