Sunday, January 08, 2006

Something to Keep You Occupied

Here's a fun way to calculate what those nights out add up to.
And here is some of the most hilarious marketing for food I have ever seen.
How bout a one-in-a-million shot?


Adam said...

Now if all basketball was as entertaining as that, I might watch it more often.

Anonymous said...

That is a great video. I was expecting to see one of those home shot videos where the kid makes some crazy full court shot but it turned out even better. Almost as good as the time you kicked your future wife (who was just a spectator) in the face with an indoor soccer ball. Also, love the advertising. I am just waiting for some corporate synergy with Pete Schwetty.

dana said...

That kick of mine was a one-in-a-million shot. And although it was an accident, we all know she deserved it at the time.