Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Blah, blah, blah

Well, I have taken some time off from the teaching to work on the farm for a while. Some of you may scoff, but I like it. More updates to come on that front. I don't really need to hear the same old jokes again, so don't post one unless you have some original material. If you've got a good (new) one, I'd love to hear it! I have to say, of all the occupations where you hear the same old stupid jokes, my friends the Woody's have it the worst. Everyone who knows them should call them right now and say, "Hey, guys, how's business? Are people dying to get in?" That would really brighten my day. Why was my day so dark? Well, it was foggy all day.

In other news, Julie and I are celebrating our first wedding anniversary this weekend. Translation: I only have 2 shopping days left! If I don't get her something good, this could be our first, and last anniversary. I'm not saying we would get divorced... I fully expect her to kill me if I blow this one.

I really wanted to get her this great painting that my friend Ed did. It is almost completely red, and that is her favorite color. The only problem is, there is totally a demon face in it. Last year, I told him I would buy it if he could fix it somehow, but he said no. Sorry, Ed. I am a fan of all his work, though, and think everone should check it out.


edluv said...

if you click on my photo link on my blog, and find the photo of that painting, it even points out your "demon vision"

edluv said...

and, it's only a scooby do demon you puss.

timidvenus said...

you are really right about the jokes, but theyre not even the worst part. its the 'i bet you get this all the time...theyre dying to see you (or some other lame one)! hehehe.'

they get such a kick out of themselves. so now i just finish the end of the joke with them so that they really know that i have, indeed, heard it before.