Monday, February 13, 2006

A Leaf in the Wind

It has come to my attention that there really is a leadership crisis in America today. I'm not talking about what is going on in the nation's capitol. I'm talking about the kind of leadership that we all experience daily in our homes, civic organizations, religious groups and, yes, our jobs too! I am interested in exploring the idea of consistency in leadership over my next few posts, and I hope that you will bear with me while I stuggle to awkwardly articulate my thoughts on the subject.
Never fear, I will soon get this out of my system and go back to writing about the stupid things I say to get in trouble with Julie and the things that I am breaking at work.
If it gets too intense, I may simply abort this effort. In which case, you will just have to have a conversation with me sometime to get the rest of my thoughts.


Adam said...

Bring it on, I'm game.

timidvenus said...

as long as you dont delete the posts that you decide you dont want to discuss anymore... although, who would delete a post anyway? maybe just the vain.

Adam said...

Why do you care so damn much that I deleted a post? There's a deleted comment in my archives? Should I bring that up?

edluv said...

get on with it dana. i can't stand it when mommy and daddy fight.

timidvenus said...

okay, adam... ill let it go...

man, adam always gets his way.