Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Does anyone out there have an old aquarium that is over 50 gallons, in decent condition, and that they would be willing to sell me for a reasonable price? I am in the market for a large fish tank (preferably at least 48" long, but less might be ok), and retail prices on them are outrageous!

This is for a personal science project that I am interested in doing, so your efforts would go to the worthy cause of advancing human civilization.


Adam said...

Sounds like you're developing a murderous plot.

Does anyone have a container designed to hold liquid that two chopped up adult human bodies could fit into? No reason.

edluv said...

are you planning to raise a baby in an aquarium, monitering it's development as an animal, denying it touch, clothing and hygene? are you in cohoots with the woody's and this is why sara is trying to get pregnant?

i cannot condone such evil!

Unknown said...

I think you're also going to need some diatomaceous earth and a UV light for this "experiment"

Scott and Malisa Johnson said...

I keep trying to get Scott to sell his aquarium on ebay. Right now it just sits in the front of our garage so that every time I pull the car in, I think that I am going to hit it. I would personally love to get rid of the aquarium... but I don't think that you could just pop over and pick it up though, could you?

Adam said...

Hey! You can't get rid of that aquarium. I carefully packed that whole thing just so it would make it out there in one piece.

timidvenus said...

dana cant have my baby unless he wins it on ebay, experiment or not. but i would like to know what this experiment is going to be...